
Ongoing repair services of broadcast equipment and systems for various
President of Image North Productions, Inc. (since 1977)
Support and training for 20 robotic camera systems
Arduino based programming and interfacing for lighting/
tally etc.
Software creation for control of robotic cameras
Television technical crew training, with an introduction to computers and digital television techniques
Evaluation of broadcast equipment for a major purchase by a large
production company
Camera evaluation and repair for broadcasters
Writing and production of training materials for Adobe
Premiere editing systems, Newtek Tricaster, and Sony Anycast
Website design, writing, graphic design. See the Website
page for links
Consulting on various large broadcast systems for Y2K compliance
Created software to facilitate tape-based editing systems
CCU2000 software written to control Hitachi broadcast cameras
Produce/Edit/Direct: various Industrials and PSA's.... ACICO, Ministry of
Natural Resources, U of T Schools, Royal Conservatory of Canada
co-production of Image North, and TVO. 21 x 5 min. Shorts, and 1 x 1 hour
program highlighting leading-edge technical research in Ontario for
Technology Ontario. Broadcast Jan. /94
Host/Producer/Camera/Writer: "WASTE NOT", a co-production of
Image North, and TVO. 39 x 30 min. programs on personal waste management.
Air Mar. 03/92
Host/Writer: "SUCCESSFUL HOME VIDEO" 8 x 30 min. programs on how
to work with consumer video equipment. Air TVO June/92, PBS Fall/92
Host/Creator/Writer/Camera/All Mechanical Props: "ACME SCHOOL OF
STUFF", a co-production of Image North, and TVO. 26 programs x30 min.
For Air Sept.88/90. International Distribution
Creator/Writer/Camera/Editing: "ACME SHORTS", 25 short
documentaries for use as international "Filler" by educational
broadcasters. International Distribution
On-Camera/Writing/Computer Animation: Industrial clients Texaco, CP Rail,
TransCanada Pipelines, Stelco, Flecto, Bell Canada
Host, "POWER OF ALGEBRA" for Louisiana Public TV
Electronic Design: CityPulse News Computer map of Toronto
Electronic Design: various electronic circuitry for Colorization, Inc.
Host/Writer/Co-producer. "NOT ANOTHER SCIENCE SHOW", A program
on basic science for the family audience. 26x 1/2 hour. International
Distribution. A co-production of Image North, and TVO. 1986 Gemini Award
Host/Writer: "HOW", 35, 5 minute programs for cable filler in a
children's programming slot. (C-Channel)
Electronic Design: Prototype 8201- a unique Canadian closed-caption system
(failed Government approval)
Host: "THE LANDSCAPE OF GEOMETRY", an 8-part series for
High-School level broadcast. Air:North America Jan/83. Awards
Host/Creator/Writer/Co-producer: "THE HALF-A-HANDY HOUR", a 26
part,1/2 hour series on tools, and how things work. Air:Canada, U.S., and
International. A co-production of Image North, and TVO
On-Camera/Consultant/Writer/Animator: "FAST FORWARD", a 26 Part
series on the micro-electronic revolution. Production: TVOntario
Incorporated "Image North Productions". Design &
Construction of Analog Animation System: "Mister Animation"
Animations for Fast Forward Science Alliance Miracle Mart Woolco
Capitol Records and various others
See the historical